Neck Rejuvenation anyone?

My dear patients!

Summer is almost here and I want to share the many ways we can improve the appearance of the neck.

First of all, the aging neck is a very challenging area to treat. The skin is naturally thin and very prone to wrinkles. There are also genetic factors that cause fat deposits which can lead to a double chin in combination with loose, hanging skin that slowly gets droopier over time.

Often seen as we age, bands forming in the neck can result from excess skin or loosening of the platysma muscle. This muscle is a depressor of the lower lip, and used frequently in daily expression.
Daily use over the years causes the platysma to loosen and begin to span the angle between the chin and the lower neck, creating bands of tissue that showing signs of the typical aging neck.

A couple of years ago we only had a few options to improve the look of your neck:
1. Neck creams.
2. Undertake a chemical peel on the neck.
3. Have your neck “lifted” surgically.
4. Cover it with a scarf.

We are really excited about several choices for effective non-invasive technology for tissue lifting.

Free consultation will help you determine what treatment would be the most beneficial for you.
Let’s start with beneath the area beneath the chin. To effectively sculpt and create a more defined chin and jaw line, we use a variety of different approaches:

Kybella injections:
The acid dissolves superficial chin fat (meaning that fat between skin and muscle).
Very quick in-office procedure (15 minutes)!
Requires 3-5 treatments (one month apart).
No incisions necessary!

Radio-frequency waves:
By heating the deep tissue of the skin, collagen contracts and then generates new fibers – to rejuvenate the outward appearance of the skin.
Very quick in-office procedure (30 minutes).
Requires 6 sessions of the treatment over 6 weeks for best results.
Entirely painless!

PDO Thread Lift:
There are several types of threads :
1.Tiny mono PDO Threads are safe, fully absorbable and collagen stimulating. They are inserted in a net-like pattern, which thickens the skin, and improves tone and texture. The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and results are seen immediately and get better with time.
2. PDO twist threads that are more robust, usually inserted to the horizontal neck lines. They provide an almost instant improvement for the neck lines, have preventive properties and last up to 12 months.
3. PDO barbed threads which pull and elevate skin, as well as stimulate collagen.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma):
It is a revolutionary, minimally-invasive treatment. Plasma is taken from your own blood and enriched with concentrated platelets, which are natural growth factors. This platelet-rich plasma is then injected back into your neck or face. Soon after, the growth factors stimulate production of new collagen, fibrin matrix, angiogenesis and new cells, leading to improved tone, and texture of the skin.

Preprepared cocktails of vitamins, minerals, and peptides combined with hyaluronic acid is injected directly into the skin. This nourishes, hydrates and rejuvenates the skin.
We also improve the quality of the neck skin using one or a combination of the following:

Hyaluronic Acid Filler + BOTOX:
We use HA filler, such as VOLBELLA XC or Juvederm Ultra or very deluted Radiesse. This stimulates collagen and fills the wrinkles and improves overall appearance of the skin.
Chemical Peel:
This spurs exfoliation of aged skin and stimulation of new collagen by applying a moderate depth chemical peel. Peeling usually occurs over a period of 4-6 days, after which you are left with a radiant and glowing neck!
Through a series of 4-6 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart, microneedling stimulates natural collagen production within your skin and thickens loose skin of the neck.
Don’t forget that more than 90 percent of the visible skin changes associated with aging are caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays!

The neck is a particularly important place to wear sunscreen. We need an SPF of at least 30 daily!

Recent patient in Brooklyn, before and after